My boat was lifted ashore recently. Anti foul is usually long lived in our area but the existing coating was past its best.
I recently bought a sanding plate for use on a pole and a roll of sanding mesh for use with the plate. The sanding plate and mesh were from Toolstation. I already has a suitable good quality GRP/Aluminium pole which, ajusts in length, from a previous home decorating job.
I am pleased to report that one length of the mesh for the sanding plate and one square piece of the mesh for handheld use has been sufficient for the whole of the antifouled hull on my 33ft boat . This is using it wet with regular dunking of the mesh in a bucket of water or rinsing under a tap. Finally rinsed and brushed the surface of the hull to remove the loose residue.
The sanding mesh is not worn through.
The job of preparation has been considerably easier than the previous occasion which I had done entirely by handheld wet sanding. The cost of the sanding plate and the mesh was worth every penny.
Also this time hardly any of the removed antifoul on my face /hands as most of the work was possible using the pole/plate and relatively little involvement with lying under the boat.
Just need to pick a suitable day for the fresh antifoul paint.