I have a dial gauge so went over to the boat to take some measurements, first the props. This is not very scientific, I just chose a high spot on the blades to measure the difference.
The rear prop of the Duo Prop pair showed two blades on "0", the dial gauge is a 0.01mm gauge, and one on 0.58mm, so one is offset slightly.

I then did the "front" set of blades, again choosing a random high spot on the blades and checking the difference. Starting with a "reference" blade, one was 0.10mm different and the other was 0.36mm different.

I then removed the props and measured any rotational run out (i.e. shaft bent) on the concentric shafts. The first (inner) shaft was a steady 0 all round and the second (outer) varied by 0.1mm but it was on what appeared to be a dirty, slightly unfinished surface so probably can be excluded.

So it doesnt look like a bent shaft but is the sub-millimetre differences on the prop blades going to be a balance issue and do they "balance" to this level of accuracy??
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