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Boat Engines etc - Maintenance and Repair

electrical cleaning

by betty boop » 09 May 2016, 11:43

Can anyone recommend a product to clean grease and muck off electrical items? my starter and solenoid are covered in a few years of white grease sprayed to prevent water ingress (long bad engine bay design story). I don't want to disturb the connections and earthing if I can avoid it to clean and re coat or cover in something new.

Also an engine rust remover agent prior to painting, I tried some halfords rust hardening gel and its just about rubbish. makes a nice green mess though. :lol:
betty boop
Posts: 771
Joined: 25 Nov 2014, 10:15

by Ianfs » 09 May 2016, 14:53

I know where you are coming from here, any degreaser might also affect spindles etc.

Depending how bad it is, try wiping them with a cloth soaked in brake cleaner first. If you are confident your not going to get it inside the motor, squirt it straight onto it using the red nozzle. Then use WD40, as the brake cleaner will dry the paintwork and the WD will provide a last clean and a coating.

I'm trying to remember what I did with the rust on my engine when I refirbed mine. I think I used a wire brush to get the worst off, but also used a Dremel with a wire brush. Then used brake cleaner to wash it off. I'm not a lover of Kurust, either a convertor or a remover. I took the rusty bits to bare metal then used an etching Primer, Acid 8 but I cant remember which paint I used.
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Location: Hampshire, by the Sea

by betty boop » 12 May 2016, 07:34

thanks Ian its a good start,
betty boop
Posts: 771
Joined: 25 Nov 2014, 10:15

by Gazjen » 12 May 2016, 20:53

Smooth Hammerite seems to do well applied to rust as long as you wire brush and clean first I've had good results.
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